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צלחות סטודים לימור


Imagine setting a table with plates that not only expresses your own style and aesthetics but act as a subtle yet abundant canvas for the food your serve - the right size, a pleasing texture and gentle color hues eloping the meal you're about to have.  
The plates I create combine all of the above - they will compliment any dining experience you set to achieve. The plates are available to you per individual order and they come in two standard sizes: 22cm and 28 cm in diameter. 

You can choose from white, black and grey/pale blue glazes. 
Alternatively you can get in touch with me to discuss your own plate ideas, I will be happy to accompany you in your search for a perfect plate. 

To order, please call or contact me via Whatsapp.

לימור שבועות 2021-082-2.jpg
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